15+ Best Unseen Passages for Class 8 with Answers & PDF

In this article, we will provide you with a list of the 15+ Best unseen Passages for Class 8. Unseen passages are an integral part of the English curriculum for students in Class 8. These passages are designed to test a student’s reading comprehension skills and their ability to understand and interpret written text. You can also Download this article as a PDF by clicking the button below.

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English unseen passage for class 8 pdf with answers:

15+ Best Unseen Passages for Class 8 with Answers & PDF

1: Unseen passages for class 8

Every morning, Grandma baked a batch of her famous chocolate chip cookies. They were the best in the whole neighbourhood, and they always disappeared quickly. One morning, Grandma noticed something strange – the entire batch of cookies had vanished! There was not a crumb left in the jar.

Grandma was puzzled. She couldn’t remember anyone coming by early enough to have taken all the cookies. She asked her grandchildren, but they all swore they hadn’t touched them. The mystery deepened when she discovered a small, muddy paw print near the cookie jar.

Suddenly, it dawned on Grandma. The culprit wasn’t a human, but a creature of the night – a mischievous raccoon! He must have used his nimble paws to open the jar and steal the cookies.

Grandma was amused. She knew raccoons were known for their cleverness and love of sweets. She decided to leave a small plate of cookies outside every night, just for the raccoon. Soon, the paw prints near the cookie jar became a regular sight, and Grandma enjoyed the nightly game of cat and mouse with her furry visitor.


  1. What were Grandma’s famous cookies known for?
  2. What was the strange thing Grandma noticed one morning?
  3. What evidence suggested who stole the cookies?
  4. What did Grandma do about the missing cookies?
  5. Why did Grandma enjoy the nightly visits from the raccoon?


  1. The cookies were known for being the best in the neighbourhood.
  2. The entire batch of cookies had vanished overnight.
  3. A small, muddy paw print was found near the cookie jar.
  4. She started leaving a small plate of cookies outside for the raccoon.
  5. She enjoyed the nightly game of cat and mouse with the raccoon and found it amusing.

2.Unseen passages for class 8

The city roared to life. Cars honked, engines thrummed, and a symphony of voices filled the air. Skyscrapers pierced the clouds, casting long shadows over the teeming streets below. People hurried along sidewalks, their faces a mosaic of emotions – determination, frustration, and the ever-present spark of hope.

In this concrete jungle, time seemed to move at a dizzying speed. Businessmen in crisp suits strode past street musicians strumming their guitars. Street vendors hawked their wares, their voices a constant call to attention. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the exhaust fumes of passing buses, creating a unique olfactory experience.

High above, a lone pigeon circled the city, its keen eyes taking in the endless panorama. Below, a child laughed, chasing a brightly colored butterfly through the park. In this bustling metropolis, amidst the chaos and noise, life continued to find a way to bloom.


  1. Describe the atmosphere of the city.
  2. What contrasting elements are present in the city scene?
  3. What details create a sense of movement and energy?
  4. What does the pigeon symbolize in the passage?
  5. What message does the passage convey about the city?


  1. The city is described as bustling, noisy, and chaotic.
  2. Contrasting elements include the skyscrapers and the street vendors, the businessmen and the children, and the orderliness of the buildings and the randomness of the people’s movements.
  3. Details like the honking cars, thrumming engines, and busy streets create a sense of movement and energy.
  4. The pigeon symbolizes a detached observer, taking in the entire city from a different perspective.
  5. The passage conveys the message that even in a chaotic and fast-paced city, life finds a way to persist and flourish.

3.Unseen passages for class 8

The wind whispered secrets through the tall grass, its touch gentle yet persistent. Blades of grass swayed in a rhythmic dance, bowing low and rising high as if in response to an unseen conductor. A lone butterfly fluttered by, its wings catching the sunlight like stained glass.

The air smelled of wildflowers and sun-warmed earth. A distant bird called out, its melody a clear note in the wind’s symphony. Clouds drifted lazily across the clear blue sky, casting fleeting shadows on the land below.

Despite the stillness, a sense of movement permeated the scene. Ants scurried at the base of the grass stalks, carrying invisible burdens. A spider spun its intricate web, its silken strands glistening in the sun. The wind continued its tireless journey, carrying pollen, seeds, and the whispers of unseen creatures.


  1. What is the dominant sensory element in the passage?
  2. What details create a sense of peace and tranquility?
  3. What is the role of the wind in the passage?
  4. What are some examples of hidden activity in the field?
  5. What mood does the passage evoke?


  1. The dominant sensory element is sight, particularly the visuals of the swaying grass, the flitting butterfly, and the drifting clouds.
  2. Details like the gentle wind, the warm earth, and the clear sky create a sense of peace and tranquility.
  3. The wind serves as a driving force, animating the scene and carrying unseen things through the air.
  4. Examples of hidden activity include the scurrying ants, the spinning spider, and the unseen creatures whose whispers are carried by the wind.
  5. The passage evokes a mood of peace, tranquility, and a sense of wonder at the hidden life and activity within the natural world.

4.Unseen passages for class 8

Deep within the heart of a forgotten city, buried beneath layers of sand and time, lay the ancient library. Its walls, once adorned with vibrant murals, were now cracked and faded. Dust motes danced in the shafts of sunlight that pierced through the crumbling roof.

Among the fallen columns and shattered statues stood towering bookshelves, their once-proud shelves groaning under the weight of countless scrolls and leather-bound tomes. The air hung heavy with the scent of aged parchment and forgotten knowledge.

As you explore the cavernous halls, your fingers trace the worn grooves of ancient languages etched into the spines of the books. Each volume whispers tales of lost civilizations, forgotten heroes, and secrets whispered down the ages. You imagine the scholars who once poured over these pages, their minds ablaze with the light of discovery.

Suddenly, a tremor shakes the library, causing dust to rain down and books to tumble from their shelves. Your heart pounds as you realize the ancient library is vulnerable, its secrets at risk of being lost forever.


  1. Where is the ancient library located?
  2. Describe the atmosphere inside the library.
  3. What do the books and scrolls represent?
  4. What is the effect of the tremor on the atmosphere?
  5. What message does the passage convey about the importance of preserving knowledge?


  1. The ancient library is located deep within the heart of a forgotten city, buried beneath sand and time.
  2. The atmosphere is described as dusty, quiet, and filled with the scent of aged parchment. There is a sense of both wonder and decay.
  3. The books and scrolls represent lost knowledge, forgotten civilizations, and secrets whispered down the ages. They hold the potential for rediscovering the past and learning from it.
  4. The tremor shakes the library, causing dust to fall and books to tumble, adding a sense of urgency and danger to the atmosphere. It emphasizes the fragility of the library and its contents.
  5. The passage conveys the importance of preserving knowledge for future generations. It suggests that the loss of these ancient texts would represent a significant loss for humanity.

5.Unseen passages for class 8 in english

As dusk settles in, a magical spectacle unfolds in the meadow. Hundreds of tiny lights begin to flicker amongst the tall grass, dancing and swirling in a mesmerizing display. These are no ordinary lights; they are the fireflies, nature’s own miniature fireworks.

Their light, a soft, cool glow, casts an ethereal aura over the landscape. They flit and weave through the air, following patterns only they understand. Some fly solo, their light like a solitary star, while others dance together in synchronized groups, creating mesmerizing constellations against the darkening sky.

The air hums with the symphony of crickets and the gentle chirping of frogs, providing a melodic accompaniment to the fireflies’ silent dance. The sweet scent of wildflowers mingles with the earthy smell of the meadow, creating a sensory experience that is both calming and exhilarating.

As you watch the fireflies dance, you are filled with wonder at the beauty of nature. These tiny creatures, with their fleeting light, evoke a sense of joy and remind us of the magic that surrounds us, even in the ordinary world.


  1. What is the setting of the passage?
  2. Describe the fireflies’ appearance and movements.
  3. What are the sights, sounds, and smells that contribute to the scene’s atmosphere?
  4. What emotions does the fireflies’ dance evoke in the observer?
  5. What message does the passage convey about appreciating the beauty of nature?


  1. The setting is a meadow at dusk.
  2. The fireflies are described as tiny lights that flicker and dance amongst the tall grass. They fly solo or in synchronized groups, creating patterns and constellations.
  3. The sights include the fireflies’ light, the darkening sky, and the tall grass. The sounds include the crickets chirping and the frogs croaking. The smells include the sweet scent of wildflowers and the earthy smell of the meadow.
  4. The fireflies’ dance evokes a sense of wonder, joy, and peace in the observer.
  5. The passage encourages us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the natural world, even in its simplest forms.

6.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Myths and legends whisper of a magnificent city submerged beneath the waves, a lost civilization known as Atlantis. Its existence remains shrouded in mystery, fueling speculation and fascination for centuries.

According to ancient Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a technologically advanced island nation located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. He described it as a utopian society ruled by wise kings, adorned with breathtaking architecture and teeming with a thriving population.

However, disaster struck in the form of a cataclysmic flood, engulfing Atlantis beneath the waves and erasing it from the face of the Earth. While some dismissed it as a mere fable, others believe that remnants of this lost city might still exist somewhere in the vast ocean depths.

Over the years, numerous expeditions have searched for the lost city of Atlantis. Advanced sonar technology has revealed intriguing underwater structures and anomalies, sparking renewed interest in the myth. Scientists are cautiously optimistic that concrete evidence of Atlantis may be discovered in the future.


  1. Who first described the city of Atlantis?
  2. How does Plato describe Atlantis?
  3. What caused the destruction of Atlantis?
  4. What evidence suggests that Atlantis might have existed?
  5. What is the significance of searching for Atlantis?


  1. The city of Atlantis was first described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.
  2. Plato describes Atlantis as a technologically advanced island nation with a utopian society, breathtaking architecture, and a thriving population.
  3. According to the myth, Atlantis was destroyed by a cataclysmic flood.
  4. Intriguing underwater structures and anomalies detected by advanced sonar technology suggest the possibility of Atlantis’s existence.
  5. Searching for Atlantis holds significance for historical and scientific reasons. It could shed light on ancient civilizations, their cultural practices, and technological advancements.

7.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Every autumn, a spectacular natural phenomenon takes place across North America. Millions of monarch butterflies embark on a perilous journey south, traveling thousands of miles to their wintering grounds in Mexico. This migration, spanning generations, is a testament to the butterfly’s incredible resilience and navigation skills.

The monarchs’ journey begins in the northern states of Canada and the United States. As the days grow shorter and colder, they instinctively know it’s time to migrate south. They navigate using the sun’s position and Earth’s magnetic field, flying in large, swirling groups known as super swarms.

Their journey is fraught with challenges. They must brave harsh weather conditions, overcome predators, and find enough food to sustain their long flight. Along the way, they rely on a network of stopover sites where they can rest, replenish their energy, and find mates.

After a long and arduous journey, the monarchs finally reach their wintering grounds in the forests of Mexico. Here, they find a haven from the harsh winter and spend the next few months breeding and laying eggs.

As spring arrives, a new generation of monarchs emerges. Guided by the same instinctual drive, they begin their own journey north, completing the incredible cycle of migration once again.

Unseen passages for class 8 Questions:

  1. Where do the monarch butterflies begin their journey?
  2. What cues trigger the monarchs’ migration?
  3. How do the monarchs navigate during their journey?
  4. What challenges do the monarchs face during their migration?
  5. What is the significance of the monarch butterfly migration?

Unseen passages for class 8 Answers:

  1. The monarch butterflies begin their journey in the northern states of Canada and the United States.
  2. The shortening days and colder temperatures trigger the monarchs’ migration instinct.
  3. The monarchs navigate using the sun’s position and Earth’s magnetic field.
  4. The monarchs face challenges like harsh weather conditions, predators, and finding enough food during their migration.
  5. The monarch butterfly migration is significant because it demonstrates the remarkable adaptability and resilience of this species. It also highlights the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the importance of protecting migratory routes for wildlife.

8.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Deep in the Jordanian desert lies the ancient city of Petra, a lost wonder carved into the face of towering sandstone cliffs. Its existence remained a mystery for centuries, hidden from the world by nomadic tribes and shifting sands.

The city was built by the Nabataeans, a skilled Arab civilization, around 200 BCE. It flourished as a major trading hub, connecting the east and west with its network of caravan routes. Petra boasted elaborate temples, tombs, and palaces, all carved with intricate detail into the vibrant red sandstone.

The city’s most iconic landmark is the Treasury, a magnificent temple façade that emerges dramatically from the cliff face. Other notable structures include the Royal Tombs, the Roman Theatre, and the Monastery, all showcasing the Nabataeans’ architectural prowess and artistic talent.

Petra’s downfall began with the decline of the caravan trade routes and was further exacerbated by earthquakes and natural disasters. By the 12th century, the city had been abandoned and was lost to the world until its rediscovery in 1812 by a Swiss explorer.

Today, Petra stands as a testament to the ingenuity and artistry of the Nabataean civilization. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from around the globe who marvel at its beauty and mystery.

Unseen passages for class 8 Questions:

  1. Where is the ancient city of Petra located?
  2. Who built the city of Petra, and when did it flourish?
  3. What was the significance of Petra’s location and trade routes?
  4. Describe some of the notable structures found in Petra.
  5. What led to the decline and abandonment of Petra?

Unseen passages for class 8 Answers:

  1. The ancient city of Petra is located deep in the Jordanian desert.
  2. The city of Petra was built by the Nabataeans around 200 BCE and flourished as a major trading hub.
  3. Petra’s location on caravan routes connecting the east and west played a crucial role in its economic prosperity.
  4. Notable structures in Petra include the Treasury, the Royal Tombs, the Roman Theatre, and the Monastery.
  5. The decline of the caravan trade routes and natural disasters led to the decline and abandonment of Petra.

9.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Honeybees are tiny insects with a big impact on our world. They are essential pollinators, responsible for the fertilization of many plants, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without honeybees, our agricultural system and food supply would be severely affected.

These industrious creatures live in complex social colonies, with a strict hierarchy and division of labor. Each member of the colony plays a vital role in ensuring its survival and success. The queen bee lays eggs, the worker bees collect pollen and nectar, and the drones mate with the queen.

Honeybees are remarkable for their ability to communicate and navigate. They use a complex dance language to tell each other about the location of food sources, and they can find their way back to the hive even from long distances.

Honeybees also produce a valuable food source – honey. This golden liquid is made from nectar, which the bees collect from flowers and store in their honeycombs. Honey is not only delicious, but it also has medicinal properties and is used in various products.

Unfortunately, honeybee populations are declining worldwide due to various factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease. This is a cause for concern as it could have a significant impact on our food security and the environment.

Unseen passages for class 8 Questions:

  1. What is the importance of honeybees in our ecosystem?
  2. Describe the social structure of a honeybee colony.
  3. How do honeybees communicate with each other?
  4. How is honey produced by honeybees?
  5. What are the threats to honeybee populations, and what are the consequences?

Unseen passages for class 8 Answers:

  1. Honeybees are essential pollinators, ensuring the fertilization of many plants and contributing to food security.
  2. Honeybee colonies have a strict hierarchy with the queen laying eggs, worker bees collecting food, and drones mating with the queen.
  3. Honeybees communicate using a complex dance language to inform each other about the location of food sources.
  4. Honeybees produce honey by collecting nectar from flowers, storing it in their honeycombs, and transforming it into a golden liquid.
  5. Honeybee populations face threats like habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease, which can impact food security and the environment.

10.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Beneath the Earth’s surface lies a hidden world of molten rock and fire – the realm of volcanoes. These giants of the natural world hold immense power, capable of both destruction and creation.

Volcanoes are formed when molten rock, known as magma, rises from the Earth’s mantle and erupts onto the surface. The eruption can be explosive, spewing ash, lava, and gases into the air, or more effusive, forming gentle lava flows.

These fiery mountains have shaped the landscapes we see today. Volcanic activity has formed mountains, islands, and even vast plains. The ash and lava released during eruptions enrich the soil, making it fertile for plant growth.

However, volcanoes can also be dangerous. Eruptions can cause widespread destruction, burying cities in ash, altering landscapes, and even triggering tsunamis. Despite the risks, millions of people choose to live near active volcanoes, drawn by the fertile soil and the awe-inspiring beauty of these natural forces.

Scientists study volcanoes to understand their formation, predict eruptions, and mitigate their impact on human populations. By understanding these giants of the Earth, we can better prepare for their fiery displays and harness their power for the benefit of humankind.

Unseen passages for class 8 Questions:

  1. What is the source of the molten rock that erupts from volcanoes?
  2. Describe the two main types of volcanic eruptions.
  3. How does volcanic activity contribute to the Earth’s shaping?
  4. What are the dangers posed by volcanic eruptions?
  5. Why do people choose to live near active volcanoes?

Unseen passages for class 8 Answers:

  1. The molten rock that erupts from volcanoes originates from the Earth’s mantle.
  2. The two main types of volcanic eruptions are explosive and effusive. Explosive eruptions involve violent expulsion of ash, lava, and gases, while effusive eruptions feature gentle lava flows.
  3. Volcanic activity shapes the Earth by forming mountains, islands, plains, and enriching the soil through ash and lava deposits.
  4. Volcanic eruptions can be dangerous due to ashfalls, lava flows, and potential tsunamis, causing destruction and loss of life.
  5. People are drawn to live near active volcanoes for the fertile soil ideal for agriculture and the breathtaking natural beauty of these powerful formations.

11.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

From the vastness of the oceans to the lush green forests, the journey of a raindrop is a remarkable story of transformation and connection. It is a cycle that sustains life, nourishes the Earth, and illustrates the delicate balance of our natural world.

A raindrop begins its journey as a tiny molecule of water within the ocean. The sun’s warmth causes evaporation, lifting the water molecule into the atmosphere. As it rises, it cools and condenses with other water molecules, forming a visible droplet.

This droplet joins millions of others, forming clouds that drift across the sky. When the air becomes saturated, the droplets can no longer hold together, and they fall to the Earth as rain.

Raindrops nourish the land, providing water for plants and animals to thrive. They replenish rivers and streams, ensuring the flow of life throughout the ecosystem. They also contribute to erosion and sedimentation, shaping the Earth’s landscapes and forming new features.

The journey of a raindrop is not linear. Some drops may be absorbed into the ground, filling aquifers and providing water for future generations. Others may evaporate back into the atmosphere, repeating the cycle.

Understanding the journey of a raindrop helps us appreciate the interconnectedness of our planet. It reminds us of the importance of protecting our water resources and ensuring the continued sustainability of the natural cycle that sustains all living things.


  1. Where does a raindrop begin its journey?
  2. What causes water to evaporate and form clouds?
  3. How does rain nourish the Earth and contribute to its shaping?
  4. What happens to a raindrop after it falls to the ground?
  5. Why is it important to understand the journey of a raindrop?


  1. A raindrop begins its journey as a water molecule within the ocean.
  2. The sun’s warmth causes water molecules to evaporate, rise, and condense with others, forming clouds.
  3. Rain nourishes the land by providing water for plants and animals, replenishes water sources, and contributes to erosion and sedimentation.
  4. After falling to the ground, a raindrop may be absorbed into the soil, evaporate back into the atmosphere, or contribute to surface runoff.
  5. Understanding the journey of a raindrop highlights the interconnectedness of our planet, the importance of water conservation, and the cycle that sustains life.

12.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Bees are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. They are not just producers of honey, but also essential pollinators responsible for the reproduction of many plants, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Bees live in complex social colonies with a strict hierarchy. The queen bee is the sole reproductive female and lays thousands of eggs each day. Worker bees are all female and perform various tasks, such as collecting pollen and nectar, building and maintaining the hive, caring for the young, and defending the colony. Drone bees are male and their main function is to mate with the queen bee.

Bees communicate with each other through a complex dance language. By performing different movements, worker bees can tell other bees about the location of food sources, the best places to collect water, and even potential dangers.

Honey is a sweet, golden liquid produced by bees from the nectar they collect from flowers. The bees store the nectar in their honeycombs and convert it into honey through a process of evaporation and enzymatic reactions. Honey is not only delicious but also has various health benefits and medicinal properties.

Unfortunately, bee populations have been declining globally due to various factors like habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease. This decline poses a significant threat to our food security and biodiversity.


  1. What is the role of bees in our ecosystem?
  2. Describe the different types of bees in a colony and their functions.
  3. How do bees communicate with each other?
  4. How is honey produced by bees?
  5. What are the threats to bee populations, and what are the consequences?


  1. Bees are essential pollinators for many plants, ensuring their reproduction and contributing to food security and biodiversity.
  2. Queen bees are responsible for laying eggs, worker bees perform various tasks within the hive, and drone bees mate with the queen.
  3. Bees communicate through a complex dance language, informing each other about food sources, water sources, and potential dangers.
  4. Bees produce honey by collecting nectar from flowers, storing it in their honeycombs, and converting it through evaporation and enzymatic reactions.
  5. Habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease pose threats to bee populations, potentially impacting food security and biodiversity.

13.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Wind energy is a clean, renewable resource that is playing an increasingly important role in our energy mix. It harnesses the power of wind to generate electricity, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Wind turbines are large, rotating structures with blades that capture the wind’s kinetic energy. This energy is then converted into mechanical energy, which drives a generator to produce electricity. Wind turbines can be grouped together in wind farms, generating enough electricity to power thousands of homes.

Wind energy has several advantages over other energy sources. It is a clean source of energy, producing no harmful emissions or pollutants. It is also a renewable resource, meaning it will never run out. Additionally, wind energy can be generated in various locations, including onshore and offshore, making it widely accessible.

Despite its benefits, wind energy also faces some challenges. Wind turbines can be expensive to build and maintain. They can also be disruptive to local communities, both visually and acoustically. Additionally, wind energy is not always available, as it depends on the wind speed.

However, with technological advancements and increased investment, wind energy is becoming more affordable and efficient. It is expected to play a major role in the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Unseen passages for class 8 Questions:

  1. What is wind energy, and how is it generated?
  2. What are the advantages of using wind energy over other energy sources?
  3. What are some of the challenges associated with wind energy?
  4. How is wind energy contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future?
  5. What are some ways we can promote the use of wind energy?

Unseen passages for class 8 Answers:

  1. Wind energy is harnessed from the wind’s kinetic energy to generate electricity through wind turbines.
  2. Advantages of wind energy include being clean, renewable, and accessible in various locations.
  3. Challenges associated with wind energy include cost, visual and acoustic disruptions, and dependence on wind speed.
  4. Wind energy helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels, mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability.
  5. We can promote wind energy by supporting government policies, investing in research and development, and raising public awareness.

14.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. They are seen as a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.

Several factors are driving the EV revolution. One is the growing concern about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, which can significantly help in combating air pollution and global warming.

Another factor driving the EV market is the advancement in battery technology. Batteries are becoming increasingly powerful and affordable, making EVs more practical and appealing to a wider range of consumers.

Governments worldwide are also offering incentives to promote EV adoption. These incentives include tax breaks, subsidies, and investments in charging infrastructure.

As a result of these factors, the global EV market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. This will lead to significant economic opportunities and environmental benefits.


  1. What is the main reason for the growing popularity of electric vehicles?
  2. How do EVs contribute to reducing carbon emissions?
  3. What is one major technological advancement driving the EV market?
  4. What role do governments play in promoting EV adoption?
  5. What are the potential benefits of the growing EV market?


  1. Growing concern about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions.
  2. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, which helps in combating air pollution and global warming.
  3. Advancements in battery technology, making them more powerful and affordable.
  4. Offering incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies, and investments in charging infrastructure.
  5. Significant economic opportunities and environmental benefits.

15.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

The human fascination with space has existed for centuries. We have gazed at the stars and wondered what lies beyond our planet. In recent years, space exploration has taken giant leaps forward, with missions reaching farther than ever before.

One of the most significant advancements in space exploration has been the development of reusable rockets. This technology has significantly reduced the cost of space travel, making it more accessible and sustainable.

Space exploration has also led to the development of new technologies that benefit our lives back on Earth. For example, GPS technology, originally developed for military purposes, is now used for navigation by millions of people worldwide.

Furthermore, space exploration fosters international cooperation. Countries often collaborate on space missions, which can help to build trust and understanding between nations.

As we continue to explore the vastness of space, we learn more about the universe and our place within it. This knowledge has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of science and technology and inspire future generations to reach for the stars.


  1. What is one major factor driving advancements in space exploration?
  2. Give an example of how space exploration has benefited life on Earth.
  3. How does space exploration encourage international cooperation?
  4. What is the potential impact of space exploration on our understanding of science and technology?
  5. What is the significance of continuing to explore space?


  1. The development of reusable rockets has significantly reduced the cost of space travel.
  2. GPS technology, a spin-off of space exploration, is used for navigation by millions.
  3. Countries often collaborate on space missions, building trust and understanding.
  4. Space exploration can revolutionize our understanding of science and technology.
  5. Continuing to explore space allows us to learn more about the universe and our place within it.

16.Unseen passages for class 8 in English

AI is already deeply integrated into our daily lives, even if we may not realize it. From the personalized recommendations on our streaming services to the spam filters in our email, AI algorithms are working behind the scenes to make our lives easier and more efficient.

One of the most common ways we interact with AI is through virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. These assistants can answer our questions, control our smart home devices, and even play music or podcasts. They are becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable of understanding natural human language.

Another area where AI is having a major impact is in the field of transportation. Self-driving cars are still in development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we travel. AI-powered navigation systems are also becoming increasingly sophisticated, helping us to avoid traffic jams and find the best routes.

AI is also being used to improve healthcare by analyzing medical images and identifying diseases at an early stage. It is also being used to develop new drugs and treatments.


  1. How is AI used in our daily lives?
  2. What are some examples of virtual assistants powered by AI?
  3. How is AI being used to improve transportation?
  4. How can AI be used to improve healthcare?
  5. What are some potential benefits of using AI in various fields?


  1. AI is used in personalized recommendations on streaming services, spam filters in email, virtual assistants, and navigation systems.
  2. Examples of virtual assistants include Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.
  3. AI is being used to develop self-driving cars and improve navigation systems.
  4. AI can be used to analyze medical images, identify diseases early, and develop new drugs and treatments.
  5. AI can personalize services, improve efficiency, and provide new insights in various fields.

Here are some tips to solve an Unseen passage for Class 8:

  1. Read the passage thoroughly: Read the passage carefully and try to understand the main idea and supporting details. This will help you answer the questions more accurately.
  2. Identify the theme of each paragraph: Identify the theme of each paragraph and how it relates to the main idea of the passage. This will help you understand the structure of the passage and answer questions more effectively.
  3. Understand the author’s purpose and viewpoint: Try to understand the author’s purpose and viewpoint. This will help you answer questions that require you to infer information from the passage.
  4. Identify the tone used in the passage: Identify the tone used in the passage, such as serious, humorous, or sarcastic. This will help you understand the author’s attitude towards the subject matter.
  5. Read the questions carefully: Read the questions carefully and try to understand what they are asking. This will help you identify the relevant information in the passage and answer the questions more accurately.
  6. Avoid writing long, descriptive and generic answers: Be concise and to the point while answering the questions.

By following these tips, you can improve your comprehension skills and score better on unseen passages for class 8.


In conclusion, comprehension passages are an essential part of the curriculum for class 8 students. They help students develop their reading skills, vocabulary, and critical thinking abilities. In this article, we have provided a list of 15+ best unseen passages for class 8 students. We have also explained how you can easily solve the comprehension passages. We hope that this article on Unseen passages for class 8 will help students and teachers alike in their quest to improve their reading and comprehension skills.

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